Helping Seniors
in Transition
Celebrating 10 Years Helping Seniors
We are closed as of
Jan 1, 2024
Life is a series of transitions.
And just like our clients, businesses go through transitions and unfortunately it has come time to close Transition Connections.
Over the past 11+ years, we have helped over 1,100 clients navigate what can be a complicated and emotional transition process, impacting thousands of individual's and family members.
We want to thank all our clients, partners, referral sources and our staff for all the support through the years. We could not do it with out all of you.
If you are in need of a Senior Move Manager, please visit the National Association of Senior & Specialty Move Managers website at https://www.nasmm.org where you can search for other Senior Move Managers in the area to assist you.
While we are sad over the closing of "TC", as we have learned with our clients change can be hard but to keep looking forward to what great things are to come and "Be Happy" doing it.
Thank you again to all and best wishes
Mary & Paul Clark
Transition Connections, Inc is a proud member of the National Association of Senior & Specialty Move Managers (NASMM)

Our Mission Statement: To provide transition support services to the senior community with compassion and concern as our first priorities. To operate with high moral and ethical standards with both our clients and partners. To provide the highest level of service and bring the best value to our clients.
And … To Be Happy doing it.